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Drive the Change

Why become a Member?

If you'd like to stay up to date with KSA and become a part of our growing community why not join us.

Become a


Your Local Alternative


By becoming a member of KSA you will be able to receive the following benefits:

Joining the oldest surf organization in New Jersey, and top's in the US. Preserve KSA’s legacy of historic value to our Surfing Community.


Formed in 1965 KSA is recognized as the oldest surf organization in NJ with a rich history spanning over 5 decades.

Be involved in a healthy and environmentally conscious sport.


Learn how to train, stay surf fit and be prepared for all conditions.

Help with environmental as well as community projects.


Help on charitable causes and with environmental groups. 


KSA recognizes other groups, and non-profit that share the love and commitment to our ocean, animals in the wild (our waters), beaches and the surf community. KSA is dedicated to work in collaboration with our like cause organizations.


We raise money for designated local charities every year.


Be involved in social activities.


We have a Junior Academy that aims to help those under 18 to learn to surf and have a greater understanding of Sea Safety, the Surf Environment (beach/sand dunes/sea), surf etiquette and have a good knowledge of the surfer’s code.


Be part of an organization that competes at a Local, Regional and International level both junior and senior.

The club strives to be as professionally run as possible.


Promotes artistic/media/photo creativity.

Helps those that want to explore creatively in the world of surfing through photography/music/art.


Annual Membership Benefits:


Redd It e-newsletters  

Alerts & Conservation Reports on Vital Issues

Personal invitations to special events 


KSA membership card






KSA membership Pin














The knowledge that you are making a real difference in the future conservation in New Jersey.

10% discount on KSA line of shirts, hats and merchandise

Open invitation to KSA’s annual event the weekend (Week) of September 24th, KSA Day including a Memorial Paddle Out for those lost in that year. 

As a co-founding* member you will receive some of our most sought-after swag

In addition to exclusive perks, as a co-founding* member you’re making an investment in our grassroots start-up


If you've got questions about memberships or would like to update your contact information please don't hesitate to contact us. 

* Co-Founders' are limited to 150:

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   Become a member NOW


UNDER 18 (on 1st Jan)


eligible for the academy



Lifetime Founding Member



OVER 18 (on 1st Jan)





Lifetime Founding Member



2 seniors  &  2 juniors

$10 per extra junior



Lifetime Founding Member


Your Help

Become a Sponsor or Member




$10 helps protect  your local coast.

                     USD                  USD                     USD

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All profile information inputted at payment. Safe & Secure

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